Our Philosophy

Education is a part of Christian witness, is a mandate of the Christian church, and is a mission of St. Peter’s Lutheran Church.

There is strong, imperative Biblical authority for the creation and sponsorship of a Christian Preschool and a Christian Elementary School. There is a clear command from God to educate our children in the belief in God and the Christian faith. Education is also a part of Jesus’ great command “…to  go forth and make disciples of all nations, baptizing, and ‘teaching’ in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit…” (Matthew 28:18-20). An essential part of our witness is   to have a continual commitment to establishing a solid, Biblical foundation within our families and within our

As a means of accomplishing God’s commands to educate our children and to be an effective Christian witness to our community, the congregation has established three primary objectives for St. Peter’s Lutheran School.

• Christian Nurture

• Mission Outreach

• Quality Academic and Religious Education

Christian Nurture     
At St. Peter’s Lutheran School, life as a disciple of Christ is taught to the student not only through a program of religious instruction, but also through the entire school experience for the child. Each classroom will be an environment in which faith is verbalized, personal conduct is examined in the light of Law and Gospel, and prayer, praise and witness are integrated into a pattern of daily living.

St. Peter’s Lutheran School will be a Christ-centered community. St. Peter’s Lutheran School will provide an environment where students will learn to trust, love, care, and believe, thereby growing daily in their belief that Jesus is their Savior, that God had created us and sustains us, and that we are all in His constant care. St. Peter’s Lutheran School will engage in a Christian ministry, which will enable the individual student to become all that God intends him or her to be.

Mission Outreach  
St. Peter’s Lutheran School will provide a means for the congregation to reach out to parents and students in our community. Each parent, whether a congregation member or not, will be required to be actively involved in the education of their children and will be expected to work to further the stated goals and objectives of the school.

We believe that the Christian environment at St. Peter’s Lutheran School will be a strong and effective witness to those parents not yet a part of Christ’s kingdom on earth. To those parents who already belong to the Christian faith, whether members of our congregation or not, we offer the school as a supporting and reinforcing element for Christian values that are being taught and practiced in the home. Further, by offering a variety of services and activities to the community at large, we believe that St. Peter’s Lutheran School will be an effective Christian witness to persons in the community whose children do not attend the school.

Quality Academic and Religious Education  
St. Peter’s Lutheran School will strive for excellence in the development and use of the student’s God-given gifts. We believe that a “quality” education combines the elements of instruction (skillful teaching), curriculum (active engagement of mind and body), school climate (a caring, Christian community), and an active partnership with the parents of the students.

Each teacher, administrator, and staff member, at St. Peter’s Lutheran School will be a Christian. Each teacher at St. Peter’s Lutheran School will be expected to:
1) believe in the importance of academic success for each child at the school;
2) prepare thoroughly for each teaching assignment;
3) use effective teaching methods while allowing the students to maintain a high ratio of time on task;
4) demonstrate confidence in each student’s ability to succeed, regardless of the student’s innate ability;
5) provide experiences that develop responsibility in the student.

At St. Peter’s Lutheran School, emphasis on quality and excellence shall always be guided by the Christian command “to do all things as unto the Lord.” It is a primary responsibility of St. Peter’s Lutheran School to share God’s gifts of education, justice, love, forgiveness, and peace with students and parents.

The academic instruction at St. Peter’s Lutheran School shall be designed to teach the student the necessary skills and knowledge to allow him or her to function successfully as a Christian adult. The school shall use instructional materials that are consistent with its stated Christian mission and with high academic standards.

The religious instruction at St. Peter’s Lutheran School shall be an integrated program, beginning in the preschool years and continuing through the eighth grade. The focus of such instruction shall be the Christian faith based on the following tenets:

The Bible as the inspired and inerrant Word of God (2 Peter 1:21; 2 Timothy 3:16)
The Bible as the authoritative norm for faith and life(Psalm 119:105; 2 Timothy 3:16-17; John 8:31-32)
Baptism as the means of entry into the Christian faith (Acts 2:37-39; Mark 16:16; Matthew 28:19)
Belief and faith in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, as the only means of salvation (John 3:16; John 14:6; Acts 4:12)
The Triune God of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit